1. We perform surgery on patients with craniofacial conditions and complex body tumors. Our patients live in many parts of the globe, including the United States.
2. We work with physicians, compatible charities and directly with patients to identify those patients who need our services. Patients may be unable to find local surgery expertise to handle their problems, or they may be too poor to afford their surgery and hospital care.

3. We work only as a very small, highly experienced team of board certified surgeons. We coordinate with local hospitals, doctors and nurses in the highest quality hospitals available. Our missions perform surgery, consultations and teaching of local surgeons who have interest in our areas of expertise.

4. Our funds are used for patient surgeries, surgical supplies not already donated, hospital care, patient and physician travel, and maintenance of the website. No funds are used for offices or other administrative costs. Our marketing is minimal. SurgerySOS is a U.S. 501 (c)3 charitable organization founded in 2017.